Posted in For Kids, General

DIY Washable Paint Toddler Activity

Hungry tired mom + clingy phase toddler = Google search for engaging independent play activities for toddler.

These days, little miss toddler is at the “active wanna do more phase” which translates to the fact that I, as her mom am at the “tired, going to hide in the bathroom phase”. To get some quiet time to make breakfast today, I decided to try this washable paint activity thay has been popping up on my Pinterest.

Basically you need cornstarch, food colouring and water. Mix all the these and enjoy your quiet time while your little one gets their start on the road to becoming the next Picasso.

Image of a bottles of red and blue food colouring and a table spoon of cornstarch in a transparent container.

Messy, taste safe, engaging. What more can a momma ask for?

Have you tried this before? Will you try it? Let me know in the comments.

See you next time, lab assistants! 😁


A dreamer who loves dance, writing, craft, romance and fantasy.

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